Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things Most People Don't Know About Me!

Most people don't know that I have an aversion to football. Just never got into it.
It seemed to be the "prime time" enemy! How do you compete with
a football game? Who wants to. If he loves the game so much, I
probably won't like him anyway. Never loved a spectator! That
being said, you can put on a soccer game for a full hour and fifteen
minutes before I complain. Soccer players are beautiful, you can
see their legs, their form, their aggression, and their skill all at the same time!

So I've established that I'm not a sports person.
I do love to dance, do yoga, be anywhere at all around water, eat really good food, and hang out.
I am very good at interior design. I totally understand the concepts of different designs and love
the process. Sometimes people take a little while before I can get them to trust me but once it's
done, it's Golden!

Everyone knows that I love to read but just how much I love to read, they could never guess. It
is my saving grace. I love to learn! I have a passion for it. Isn't it wonderful that you can get up
and learn something new everyday.

Welcome to the Learning School! The Earth! Your Life! Your prime Example!

Most people don't know that I play baseball when I first meet people! The first 30 minutes of
our conversation. I wait for the person to say something that is a "dealbreaker". Or do
something that is a "dealbreaker". Something like, talk bad about an ex. Now that's always a
good attention getter for men who have nothing else interesting going for them. Wow, they can
knock their ex. And remember ladies, if he's talking bad about her, he will talk bad about you
too! Besides, this is not interesting!

Other deal breakers might be: chewing with your mouth open, picking yourself in any way in
front of people (take the grooming to the bathroom). Talking too loud, talking incessantly, and
especially trying to be "interesting" when you should be "interested"! Know what I mean. If I
ask you what you do for a living, try to keep it at a minimum, your job is only interesting to you!

I wonder if it's too much to ask for people to actually know how to "share". That is, while I'm
talking, you listen. And I will do the same for you! And sometimes we could just both be quiet!
Comfortably quiet, for long periods of time!

Then I will know that you're sane. That you're not just talking because you're nervous or
because you somehow think I want to hear every little tiny detail of your life.
Somewhere in the Middle God Please!

1 comment:

  1. I prefer soccer too. I do not want to hear about any ex's or even current ladies my man might be interested in. I like to be the focus of his attention, for he is the focus of mine.

    Attitude is everything.
