Saturday, March 23, 2013

Vitamin B Continued!

According to some sites I have checked out, symptoms of ADHD could possibly be either a vitamin B or D deficiency.  According to one Swedish study, subjects diagnosed with ADHD were found to be low in Vitamin D and magnesium.  As a result of this, their parathyroid hormone levels should have been higher but were not according to Dr. David Clark. (2010)

     There was also a patient who lost a son who commented on how her family had a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis (caused by Calcium and D deficiencies) and thyroid disorders as well. Think this is a coincidence, I don’t.

     Jon Bennett informs us that Vitamin B is central in allowing the body to produce energy.(2010)  Vitamin B along with Folic Acid, produces an amino acid known as adenosyl-metionine which is necessary to elevate mood and mental sharpness. (Dr. Richard Kunin, 2010)

     Another Presbyterian Medical Center physician, John Lindenbaum, has proven that B 12 deficiencies cause “neurological problems” which lead to fatigue, “delusions, memory loss, depression, and thinking difficulties”.

     Ray Sahelian also informs us of the job Vitamin B has of synthesizing S-adenosyl-methionine [SAMe] known for its ability to produce a sense of well-being as well as being healthy for your joints.


Bennett, Jon (2010) How Vitamin B12 Calms ADHD

Clark, D PhD (2010) ADHD linked with 2 Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies Retrieved Dec. 18, 2011 from

Happiness is a Choice!

Happiness is an effort. Contrary to popular belief, happiness is not just something that happens by chance to you. It is true that you cannot choose your parents, your physical characteristics, or your circumstances especially as a child; however, as adults we can have a huge amount of control over how our day is going. I can choose to exercise, meditate, do some yoga, eat healthy meals, and walk with an attitude of grace or I can choose to think that everything is life is futal, mope around in sadness, and refuse any of the pleasantries life offers. It is a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Babbette,

    Thank you for your inspiring words. I am totally with you on this. I do know thought that when people find themselves in the depth of depression, it is very difficult for them to follow this advice. If one can inspire others to climb out of depression and follow your advice, one can look for a brighter future for the entire world.


Happiness is a Choice!

Happiness is an effort. Contrary to popular belief, happiness is not just something that happens by chance to you. It is true that you cannot choose your parents, your physical characteristics, or your circumstances especially as a child; however, as adults we can have a huge amount of control over how our day is going. I can choose to exercise, meditate, do some yoga, eat healthy meals, and walk with an attitude of grace or I can choose to think that everything is life is futal, mope around in sadness, and refuse any of the pleasantries life offers. It is a choice.

Why you need a Massage!

Massage is good for so many things. The next time you need something to do instead of shopping, going to the movies, or going out to eat, make an appointment for a beautiful massage.

Massage releases growth hormones, flushes out toxins, improves circulation, drains the lymphatic system, and gives you an overall sense of well-being.

There are a myriad different types of massage:

*Thai massage- Yogic assisted stretches usually done on a map with loose fitting clothes. This types of massage incorporates range of motion stretches which add flexibility to the recipient as well as the provider!

*Swedish massage- Swedish is one of the primary types of massage asked for which is an assortment of smooth gliding strokes, tapping, kneading, compression. This is for those who just like a soothing relaxation type of massage.

*Deep tissue massage-this is excellent for those who are graduating into a different type of massage to loosen up those nagging knots and tense muscles. It is done with more intense pressure and oftentimes the use of elbows, fists, thumb pressure points, and back walking.

*Reflexology-is just a fancy term for pressure points of the feet and hands. However, do not underestimate the advantages of this type of massage. Did you know there is an organ directly affected by pressing on the different areas of the feet? You can sometimes tell where the body is forming a disease just by paying attention to the area on your feet that is sore and/or painful!

And Remember-Nothing looks better on you than a smile!

Love yourself! It's the best thing you can do.

Saturday Mornings!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I Woke up in Love This Morning! Saturday Mornings! This is the Partridge Family!

I wonder if you remember this. I was 12. It was 1972 and I am the oldest of 5 girls. Saturday morning was a real treat. Saturday morning was an ongoing rivalry between Michael Jackson and Donnie Osmond. Don't laugh, Donnie was some hot stuff in those days.

Then it was time for a little School House Rock. This was to teach us the process of what goes on in Washington. My favorite was Youtube- Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law! Copy and paste for your personal entertainment.

Then it was time for American Bandstand. Dick Clark truly did not age until last year. hehe! And last but not least it was followed by the SOOOOUUUUULLLL TRAAAIIIINNNN!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happiness Continued!

I just got into contact with a few people who I haven't seen for a very long time, friends and family. I can't believe how much better I feel just making plans for the road trip home to rekindle some much needed hugs, kisses, and memories! I just can't wait. I am in a good place mentally, I'm in the middle of my life, "old enough not to be young, and too young to be old". Kathleen Bates (Fried Green Tomaotoes) This year my goal is to make myself as happy as I possibly can. And everyone is going to think, "well don't we all try that"? And the answer is no, I remember times when I was sad and too busy being sad to have my focus on something positive,but now my decision is to be Happy! Not when I win $13,000,000 dollars from the Lottery. Not when I find that "Soul Mate", that elusive concept that everyone needs someone to be complete. No waiting for the prince, Become the Princess. Time's awastin" so...let the Gratitude simmer in your soul. Maybe life could be better, but just for today, I will live it like it's Christmas. Just for today! Love You, Babbette